Quality starts with planning, not checking.
2023 Shipping Statistics
Acceptance Rate 99.85%
On Time Delivery Rate 100%
2022 Shipping Statistics
Acceptance Rate 99.35%
On Time Delivery Rate 100%
Amco’s proprietary quality system ensures your parts are delivered to specification. Our system is based on the following actions:
Planning. By far the most important step in our quality process is planning. Our plan is created during the quoting process which allows us to quickly execute should the quote become an order. The customer typically receives a delivery date and price, but behing the scenes several factors are designed into our process plan: customer procedures and specifications, material properties, third parts process, workholding, measurement requirements, machining induced stress, in house machine capabilities, and in house talent. We create a plan on how to measure, machine, handle, and ship the part all during the quoting stage. Our planning improves with each order we take on as the learning feeds our planning. Without planning, the execution becomes reactionary and creates waste.
Execution. With a proactive plan in place, the execution of the order is straight foward. In house procedures and work instructions for each process are carried our by our valued team.
Monitoring. An evaluation of any challenges and insights gained are documented for future orders and communicated into the next step; learning. Measurement of our performance is continually monitored in order to improve.
Learning. Continuous improvement since our first day of business in 1987 is how we continue to serve our customers in a competitive marketplace.
Management Support. Our company management leads the initiative and fully supports Amco’s plan to serve our customers through our quality program.
Documentation. Our quality manual is written with a do-as-we-say and say-as-we-do manner. It’s efficient and concise and customized to our customer’s needs. Created to keep work flowing and paperwork reasonable with regular audits and gap analysis. There’s nothing in there that doesn’t provide a value add.
Calibration. All measurement tools are calibrated and documented against NIST certified equipment at regular intervals.
Audits. Quality manual audits are done at regular intervals AND whenever a gap in the system is found. Changes are made immediately.
Traceability. All material information is always identified throughout the machining process.